April is the cruellest month ….

  A poetic diversion, since the first lines had been running around my head and, down the rabbit hole, the rest had to follow ... The Waste Land T S Eliot I. The Burial of the Dead                 April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring…

A few more things ….

A catch-up from a very warm and sunny day at Petersham Nurseries, capturing a few images in my lunch break from the benches and Cutting Garden - and then as I was leaving in the evening, with golden sun strafing across the flowers. One or two images sneaking in from the previous days' batch and…

Thug, the Petersham Cat. Supervising new seed delivery and burgeoning propagation operations!

Following the sun around the Glasshouse and testing out one or two of the cardboard boxes which brought great numbers of Thomas Etty flower, herb and vegetable seeds to the Nursery. A tough day for Thug, the Petersham Nurseries Cat... I've already added to my seed collection with borage (blue and white), more cosmos, more…

What did I say about February? Tricky already…. A Snow/No Snow day

A light dusting of snow in the woods around Ham, though at home in Teddington there was enough for a serious game of snowballs between the children heading to school. (below) The churchyard at St. Peter's Church by Petersham Nurseries. While the Cutting Garden, while not exactly deep and crisp and even, had a wintery…

Fragrant Hyacinths, a Cutting Garden rich in promise and Thug, the Petersham Cat

My day has been perfumed by these beautiful hyacinths - I have more at home, so the fragrance surrounds me even now. Heaven. Especially welcome given the chill, steady mizzling which I hope and believe will give way to something brighter, dryer, though colder, tomorrow. I bought more Hyacinth bulbs today, Gypsy Queen, in a…

Happy New Year from Thug, the Petersham Cat (now leave me alone…)

My first introduction to Thug, the not-so sociable Petersham Nurseries Cat, in March this year. I'd like to think that we have grown close over the past nine months but I think this would be an... exaggeration, is that the word? Here are a few of his Moments in 2014... and so it is a…