A Kew Gardens Miscellany – Alpines, Trees and Random Autumn Stuff

DSCF3378DSCF3382Nerine flexuosa in the Davies Alpine House at Kew. Scilla maderense (below)

DSCF3380DSCF3389DSCF3385DSCF3368This clam shell construction lies at the head of the Rock Garden, next to the Princess of Wales’ Conservatory and the Grass Borders. Actually there wasn’t a great deal to see in the Alpine House this time – a few cyclamen, Paperwhite narcissus (well, probably more botanically rare than that, but you get the idea), the Nerines and Scilla pictured (reminding me of my Madeira trip where the Scilla was very common indeed, in the botanical gardens and without). I expect the more traditional Alpine House at RHS Wisley will be a little fuller, as it always is I think, displaying their treasures in sand-plunged pots on two raised benches in a traditional pitch-roofed Glass House. Might get there next week….

DSCF3373DSCF3419DSCF3422Alpines (and Salvias) aside, Kew Gardens is mostly about fall colour, the brilliant tints that brighten up the Autumn woodland landscape as the green chlorophyll is broken down, carotenoids are unmasked and new concocotions, anthocyanins for example, are created. Quite a chemical reaction going on for our delight and delectation.

Prunus subhirtella Pendula Rubra, below

DSCF3320DSCF3326DSCF3321DSCF3413DSCF3414DSCF3415DSCF3417DSCF3418The parkland lanscape, over towards the Orangery, dotted with specimen trees.

Below, Cotinus obovatus provides the fireworks and the bone white stems of Birch are counterpoint. The rear of houses here on Kew Green.

DSCF3433DSCF3435DSCF3442DSCF3443DSCF3437Here, a large low-profile Wisteria hugs the ground, with a great Stone Pine in the background.

DSCF3447DSCF3449Acer henryii in the foreground

DSCF3451DSCF3467One of Kew’s Historic Trees, Robinia pseudoacacia (above). Kew Palace (below)

DSCF3508DSCF3561One of a large number of Green Parakeets that call Kew their home.

DSCF3604A very large specimen of the Tulip Tree, Liriodendron tulipifera. Beautiful and very distinctive leaves –

DSCF3607DSCF3608DSCF3618The Palm House (from the Rose Garden)

DSCF3639Swamp Cypress dominate the lake in front of the Palm House

DSCF3648DSCF3316DSCF3549A troupe of volunteers head home – as do I…..


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