Dawn Redwood ‘Gold Rush’

Beware, not for the average garden! The Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) is a large tree. Many trees planted in the late 1940's are now over 100 ft tall, 25 ft wide. Rather optimistically I have this specimen in a large pot as I like the bright foliage so much but I know that it will…

Bold & Brilliant

It is almost tulip time, given the speed at which spring seems to be accelerating just now. Magnolia blossom has exploded in our gardens and cherry blossom isn't far behind. I planted up 15 litre containers last autumn with Red Apeldoorn, bright-pink Barcelona, lily- flowered-bright-orange Ballerina, sultry-dark- plum Ronaldo, tall-red Doll's Minuet, white-becoming-intensely violet-purple Shirley's…

Forest Flames

Pieris formosa var forrestii 'Forest Flame'. "One of the most beautiful of all Pieris species, with electric-red new growth that literally stops people in their tracks " (Micheal Dirr, from his encyclopedia on Trees and Shrubs, and no argument from me!). "The new growth transitions from red to cream and then to green and any…