Fritillaria meleagris (Snake’s head fritillary)

The trademark chequered markings to the nodding flower heads of this bulbous perennial, most often this purple/pink colouration, though sometimes white, held singly or paired, with slim linear leaves. Best naturalised in grass. I seem to recall planting, in a pot or two, last Autumn, Fritillaria michailovskyi AGM. I ought to look these out, to…

Gardens of the Sussex Weald – Standen & Nymans

Bank Holiday Monday and two houses, one new to me - the Arts and Crafts Standen, the second familiar - the beautiful Nymans. Standen is an Arts & Crafts survivor, built by Philip Webb and with interiors by Morris & Co., quite complete. The country home of a careful lawyer, it is not an extravagant…