Colour on a dull day, just not today: A banquet-kaleidoscope-smorgasbord-gallimaufry of early Spring colour and scent … (or Where’s Thug?)

  Another look through the Teddington Gardener Archives, mid-March 2016, and as the title says, a jumble of images, woodland and glasshouse, Wisley and Kew and a welcome reminder of Thug, the Petersham Cat, still missed.   Ah, well, you've got me - one huge gallery of images and barely a note to cover the…

A banquet-kaleidoscope-smorgasbord-gallimaufry of early Spring colour and scent … (or Where’s Thug?)

Ah, well, you've got me - one huge gallery of images and barely a note to cover the 'who, what, why, where and when' of it all - The 'where'will be at Kew and Wisley and a few points in between, including those deliciously cool crocus on my own front step, delicately rain-dropped and rather…

Jewels and Miniature Marvels – the Alpine House at RHS Wisley, this time… @RHSWisley @The_RHS #AlpineHouse

  Having visited the architecturally distinctive Davies Alpine House at Kew recently, I was prompted to head out to Wisley today - early, given the weather forecast of rain by lunchtime - and to take in the Magnolias (of course) and Battleston Hill generally (for the camellias and rhododendrons and any other early blossom) -…