Follow me as I tour the gardens at RHS Wisley – grasses and bananas, the Glasshouse (tropics and desert) and dry borders, fruit fields and a fragrant rose garden …

You’ve walked with me from the entrance at RHS Wisley through to the grass borders, across to the tropical border with towering bananas and cannas and past the dogwood collection (with willows and rubus) which are green green green at the moment but in winter are a forest of ruby, gold, scarlet, black and bone white stems. Around the lake, we reach the Glasshouse.

In the glasshouse, a superb display of Fuchsias and Begonias as well as the expected tropical lushness and a desert zone with striking architectural cactus and succulents.

From this side of the Glasshouse you exit into the surrounding borders, the dry borders that are not irrigated but have such variety, interest and beauty .. The South African border is adjacent and features last in this gallery.

From here, the double borders originally planted by Piet Oudolf lead up to the Fruit Mount and the gateway to the Orchards and Fruit Collections beyond. I made a little loop through the crab apple collection – such variety and Redflesh was a real beauty.

And from here into the Orchards (and a light lunch of apple windfalls) –

Moving from the Sunflower Amphitheatre passed the Dahlia displays and a particularly colourful garden adjacent to it – and then from here, we’re off into the Bowes-Lyons Rose Garden – bright and fragrant with roses as well as beautiful swathes of herbaceous planting, with grasses and specimen shrubs  and mature trees adding drama and long-term interest. Enjoy!

and finally, a little look at the Plant Centre …

and in the carpark …


2 thoughts on “Follow me as I tour the gardens at RHS Wisley – grasses and bananas, the Glasshouse (tropics and desert) and dry borders, fruit fields and a fragrant rose garden …

  1. Wonderful photography and amazing plants. Thank you for taking the time to compile the collage. Best, Robin

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