Orange Orange Orange Orange! …Orange!

Plenty of oranges here, but not the flower of a rose called Piccolo, so that I can demonstrate how perfectly, classily, the bloom co-ordinates with the new mahogany-red foliage. A gallery with hybrid teas, some Austin roses (English Roses), some others, in shades of eye-popping and spacehopper, through sunset, copper and red-gold, apricots and peach.…

Not all about the flower, then … Rose Piccolo

The very brilliant young foliage of a rose named Piccolo, which sets off the beautiful bright orange flowers to perfection. A diminutive and free-flowering rose, which would be rather garish if it had just any plain old green leaf. Orange contrasting against this deep rich mahogany-red, well, this classy combination sizzles. All I have to…

Highgrove here I come… more tree ferns please

  Dicksonia antarctica (tree fern) - a dramatic addition to any shady garden, creating an umbrella of very large, feathery, bright green fronds, measuring up to 3m long, turning dark green as they age. A fibrous, rough, hairy-mossy trunk though, as the plant is slow-growing, you will have to pay significantly for if you want…